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What do you think is the most popular game in the world..?   Fortnite? Pubg ? Well, The most popular game in the world is, Minecraft. It’s holding the record for over 8 years…Minecraft is one of the oldest games in the world. It was first released in November 18,2011. It has been played by famous YouTubers in the past 4 years. Even Pewdiepie plays this game.

Let's talk about its success story

Image by EliElschi from Pixabay 

In my opinion, the reason for the success of this game is the developer’s consistency. In the past 10 years over 15 Minecraft updates have been released and 1.17 update was released on the 8th of June 2021 And those are not just updates they completely change the game experience. 

FUN FACT: They have announced about 1.18 update too

Let's talk about popular players around the world, who made fortunes from playing Minecraft

Image by Gradezone from Pixabay 

Now, there are 126 million active Minecraft players. Can you even believe that? Google it if you want. Among them, there are players who are gods in the game. Dream and Technoblade are the god players of Minecraft. In my opinion, Dream is the best overall Minecraft player in the world. However, the techno blade is the god of Minecraft PVP. They both got Youtube channels with millions of subscribers.   

*There are many Minecraft YouTubers and they are really successful.*

Here are some fun facts about Minecraft

Image by Dan Keck from Pixabay

  • If you play the game a lot, and if it gets boring, create a new Minecraft singleplayer world and you will find it really fresh. That is why Minecraft is popular.
  • If you decide to play Minecraft, DO NOT GET ADVICE FROM A VETERAN! Because it should be played by yourself to find it interesting. You can refer internet for help.
  • If you find out a way to cheat, Just don’t use it. It will destroy the game experience. Trust me, I’m speaking by experience. However, Learning them is important…!
  • Do not get scammed by youtube videos. Not all of them are scams but you will lose interest in the game. 
  • Do not forget that if you have a beast PC try playing it with shaders on. It will make Minecraft look very cool.   

Image by Marc Stevens from Pixabay 


  1. Brief but somewhat entertaining content here.

  2. It blew up cause of Pewdiepie and DanTDM...They should be credited atleast with an honourary mention.Btw good jon


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